How to Succeed as a Freshman in College


College is an exciting time in your life—you get to explore new ideas, meet new people, and learn about yourself. But it can also be challenging for some students. The transition from high school to college can be difficult, especially if you aren't prepared or organized. If you want to do well as a freshman in college, there are some things that will help:

Talk to your professors.

Talk to your professors.

Professors are there to help you succeed, so don't be afraid to ask for advice or extra help if you need it. If you don't understand something in class, ask the professor for clarification on what was just said or shown. If an assignment is giving you trouble and no one else seems able or willing to help, approach your professor directly with questions about how best to proceed with it--and maybe even ask if he/she would mind looking over the finished product before handing it in!

Be organized and keep track of your schedule.

A calendar is an essential tool for any college student. It's easy to get overwhelmed by all the things that need to be done, but if you keep track of your schedule with a planner or calendar app, it will help keep track of all those tasks and appointments.

It's also important that your calendar is visible and accessible so that it doesn't get buried under piles of papers or textbooks. You don't want to miss an assignment because it got lost in the shuffle!

There are many ways that people organize their calendars: some prefer paper planners (my preference) while others use apps on their phones or computers (like Google Calendar). Whatever method works best for you is fine as long as it helps keep track of everything going on in your life so there aren't any surprises come exam time when suddenly realizing "Oh no! I completely forgot about this test!"

Get involved in something, like an organization or club.

Getting involved in something, like an organization or club, is a great way to meet people and make friends. Clubs can also help you develop skills that will be useful in your future career. For example, if you join a business club on campus, you might learn how to network with professionals in your field of interest. Or if you're interested in journalism (or any other kind of writing), joining an editorial board for the school newspaper may give you experience writing articles and editing others' work--skills that will come in handy once college is over!

If there aren't any clubs related to these interests at your school, think about starting one! Organizing events for other members of this group will help them feel like part of something bigger than themselves while giving them opportunities to hone their leadership skills.

Stay on top of deadlines for assignments and projects.

When you're a freshman in college, it can be easy to get overwhelmed by all of the new responsibilities and assignments. To help you stay organized and on top of your deadlines, try these tips:

Set reminders in your calendar. If there are any important dates coming up that relate to your classes or projects (like an assignment due date), set reminders so that they pop up on your phone or computer screen. This will ensure that you don't forget about them! If possible, also set reminders for when papers are due by--this way, if something comes up during finals week and prevents me from finishing my paper on time I'll still know when it's due so I can submit it as soon as possible after finals end!

Take advantage of resources like the library and tutoring centers.

The library is a great resource for finding information, but it can also be an invaluable source of guidance. If you don't know where to start your search, ask your professor. They will have suggestions for books and articles related to the subject matter of your coursework.

Another great resource is tutoring centers on campus. If you're struggling with difficult concepts in class, consider taking advantage of these services before things get worse! Not only will they help you understand what's going on in class right now; they may also give hints about how future material will be taught (and thus provide an opportunity for advance preparation).

Set goals for yourself, and don't be afraid to ask for help if necessary!

One of the most important things to do as a freshman in college is set goals for yourself. You can do this by defining what you want out of your time at school, and then working towards those goals. For example, if your goal is to get good grades in all of your classes so that when it comes time for graduation, you'll get into medical school or law school (or whatever), then make sure that is a priority for yourself! Make sure that getting good grades is one of the things on your list at all times.

Your second priority should be asking for help when necessary--this goes back to our first point about setting goals: if there's something specific about schoolwork or studying habits that could help improve how much time goes into doing well academically during college years, then seek out advice from someone who knows more than just how many hours per week they spend studying by themselves!

You can succeed as a freshman in college if you are prepared, organized, and willing to get help when you need it.

In order to succeed as a freshman in college, it is important to be prepared and organized. The best way to do this is by talking with your professors before the semester starts. This will give them an opportunity to explain what the class will be like and make sure that there are no surprises for you later on down the line.


College is a huge adjustment, and it can be hard to find your way as a freshman. But if you're prepared with the right mindset and the right tools, then you'll be on your way to success in no time!


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