Six Steps to Overcoming Your Fears

Do you believe that your fears are preventing you from moving forward in life? You are not alone. Whether it is fear of asking someone out, giving a presentation at work, or sharing important feelings with a loved one, fear frequently prevents us from stepping into the spotlight we deserve. Here are a few ideas to help you face your fears and live your life to the fullest.

1. Recognize Your Fear 

The first step toward resolving a problem is admitting that there is one. Accept the fact that you have a fear (or fears). Begin to notice how they make you feel, as well as how your body physically reacts when the idea comes up do you become tense, nervous, or anxious? 

2. Confront the Fear 

Examine your concerns and determine their validity. Is what you're thinking true or false? Given your circumstances, what is the most likely outcome? What are the best and worst possible outcomes? You'll notice that many of your fears are nothing more than a frightening voice whispering in your ear.

3. Turn the Negative into a Positive 

Consider your fears and consider the opposite positive outcome. For example, if you are afraid of of being sick, the inverse would be a long, healthy, and happy life. Visualize that positive reality, meditate on it, and keep it in mind. 

4.Turn off Negative Influences 

There are numerous sources of negativity out there that play on or increase our fears, including the majority of what we see on TV and in movies. The news can be a particularly egregious offender, as they are rarely compelled to report anything other than negative stories. Advertisements can also make you feel incomplete and lacking, which could be part of, or even one of, your fears.

5. Make a Personal Promise to Yourself 

This may seem dumb, but just tell yourself that you will not be afraid. Mantras, affirmations, prayer, and surrounding yourself with positive influences can all help you strengthen your resolve to live a fear-free life. 

6. Face the Beas

That is correct. Face your fears. Are you afraid of death? Go to a cemetery. Are you afraid of heights? Skydive. Are you concerned about financial ruin? Learn how to turn liabilities into assets. 

Fear is a call towards inner growth and freedom because running away from fear makes it grow intensity. Approach it with compassion and an open heart by forgiving yourself and others who contributed towards your fears.

Finally, you must choose whether to make peace with fear or to allow it to rule your life. Hopefully, you'll be inspired to go with the first option. It is liberating to overcome fear because it frees you from the self-imposed fortress it builds. Fear has no place in a heart that is full of love. Because fear is nothing more than a shadow projected by the ego to protect you rather than serve you, love is the essence of your genuine nature.

I hope that you choose to be free from fear. Be the best version you have been called to be. With love.



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