Stop Dreaming. Start Doing.

Is it a habit of yours to tell yourself that you'll get started on your big plans at some future time? You might decide to wait until New Year's to begin your exercise regimen. It's something we've all done. Whenever you try to get started, there always seems to be a good reason not to do so right away.

Are you sure you understand why you're putting off making a decision? Is procrastination holding you back from pursuing your dreams?

Consider these excuses. Is one of them yours?

1.You're waiting for the right moment to strike. You're sitting around waiting for the stars to align and the heavens to tap you on the shoulder and give you permission to do something. You're going to be waiting a long, long time. When it comes to starting something significant, there will never be a perfect time, so just get started.

2. You're patiently waiting for the right moment. Waiting for the stars to align and God to give you permission is a waste of time. You can expect a lengthy wait. Getting started on a big project is never going to be the right time, so just do it.

3. You're putting it off until you have more cash. It doesn't matter how much money you have, there's something you can do right now. Do something, even if it's just researching and learning new skills. No amount of money is ever enough. Along the way, you'll be able to find the money you need.You're awaiting the occurrence of another event.

4. A new month, a new year — you can't wait to see what happens. So many people put off starting a diet or exercising until Monday or the first of the month. On any given day of the year, there's nothing magical about it. The calendar was devised by humans. We shouldn't be constrained by it.

Start today or wait three weeks and see if you get more done.

5. You're holding off on making a decision until you have more information. There are some people who think they need to know all the details of their quest before they can even get started on it. This is simply not the case. It's a method of putting things off. To get started, you don't need to have a lot of knowledge.

6. You don't believe you'll succeed. Having a negative outlook on your chances of success will prevent you from getting started. Consider starting out with a smaller goal in mind. For the perfect goal, it's a goal that's both attainable and exciting at the same time.

Instead of procrastinating, deal with the root of the problem.

7. You're afraid that you'll succeed.. Success scares a lot of people. Despite their dissatisfaction, they're content in their current situation. Their preference is for a life of known misery over a life of unknown success. If you are successful, you can't know what your life will be like in advance.

In order to succeed, you must focus on the positive aspects of the process. Visualize yourself taking advantage of all of the advantages.

8. You’re scared. If you’re honest with yourself, this is the most likely reason you’re postponing the pursuit of your dreams. Whether you dread the feeling of being hungry on a diet, sweating on a treadmill, or making a fool out of yourself with a failed business, you’re simply afraid.

Increase your fear of inaction. You can't even fathom how awful it would be to throw away your life. Think about how terrible it would be to never challenge yourself or to never have the opportunity to pursue your dreams.

It's usually better to get started right away rather than wait for the perfect moment. It's better to make some progress than none at all. Be confident in your abilities and take a leap of faith.

In order to succeed, you must begin. You have the power to make your dreams come true. I believe in you go and conquer and make your dreams a reality!



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