Did you realize That you were a champion in their eyes?

In my journey of redefining or “deconstructing” aspects of my life, I find myself reflecting deeply on the role that music has played in shaping my identity and spirituality. Growing up, I held the belief that hip-hop music was inherently negative, a sentiment often echoed in many circles. However, as I navigate my healing journey and examine the things that are important to me, I've come to recognize the profound impact that certain hip-hop songs have had on my growth and understanding of the world around me.

Even as someone who once spoke out against the perceived dangers of rap music, I found solace and insight in specific songs that resonated with me on a spiritual level. These songs became a source of clarity, helping me to articulate emotions and experiences that I struggled to comprehend. Through hip-hop, I began to see life in a new light, gaining perspective and wisdom that enriched my journey towards becoming the person I believe God is calling me to be.

In light of this revelation, I am starting a blog series entitled "The Gospel According to…". This series will explore the songs that have illuminated my spiritual path, and highlighting how these songs have allowed me to perceive God in a profound and transformative way and one of those songs was

Kanye's West "Champion"

Now, I wouldn't exactly call it a hymn, but the lyrics helped me to “champion” through some difficult times the past few years. .

From Fan to Flawed Champion

We all aspire to be champions and achieve specific goals in our lives. Though I am not a Grammy-winning artist like Kanye, the Bible teaches in Psalm 139:14 that we are "fearfully and wonderfully made." That makes us champions in God's sight, deserving of love and purpose despite our mistakes.

Kanye raps about doing things the right way, even when it's difficult, but let's be honest: sometimes the correct way seems unattainable. But then I remembered Colossians 3:23: "Do everything with all your heart, as if working for the Lord, not for human masters." It is not about winning at any cost; rather, it is about acting with honesty, as Jesus did.

Family: The Roots of My Faith

When Kanye discusses his father and background, it brought back memories of my own family. They are the foundation of my faith. My mother and father instilled in me the values that have made me the man I am today. My parents followed Proverbs 22:6's advice to "start children off on the right path." It makes me realize that solid families form the foundation of strong faith.

The Search for Something More

The song mentions Lauryn Hill's "Zion," which is all about searching for meaning. That hook resonated with me. That hook connected with me. We all find purpose in life. We were formed for a certain purpose and to become something. Psalm 42:1-2 expresses it perfectly: "My soul thirsts for God, the living God." "When can I go to meet with God?" Like Kanye and Lauryn, we all have a profound thirst for something bigger. What do you long for? What is your heart's deeper purpose?

Using My Voice (Even the Small One)

Kanye West's song "Champion" asks a powerful question: "What if everybody used their voice for good?" As a first-generation college graduate on my way to finishing grad school, this line resonates deeply. Here's why: The Bible, in Micah 6:8, lays out a simple yet profound truth: "Act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with your God." This verse, for me, is the core of using your voice for good.

From Dropout to Champion: Being a college dropout myself, I understand the struggle. But that "still small voice" kept pushing me. Now, I'm not just a graduate, but now “the college dropout is keeping kids in school," like the Kanye lyric says. Your Voice Matters, Big or Small. We all have a platform, even if it's just our circle of friends or family. Just like Kanye uses his music, we can use our voice to lift others up, just like Jesus did.

Here's the Champion Mentality:

Justice: Stand up for what's right, even if it's unpopular.

Mercy: Show compassion and understanding to those in need.

Humility: Remember, we're all on this journey together.

Let's be the champions Kanye talks about. Let's use our voices, big or small, to spread kindness, advocate for justice, and inspire others. We all have the power to make a difference, one voice at a time.

The Champion We All Need

"Champion" assisted me in overcoming obstacles in my life and I’m reminded that I am a Champion despite of my current circumstances. As I progress through life, I know that sometimes the battles we confront are simply too enormous. That is where Jesus steps in. He is the ultimate champion, the one who overcame death for us. Kanye's journey in "Champion" is amazing, but it is Jesus who empowers us to be champions in our own lives.

Kanye West's "Champion" may not be a Sabbath or Sunday morning anthem, but it does speak to something deeper in me. It reminds me of my worth, the necessity of doing things correctly, and the genuine victory in following Jesus.

More to come.


The Rise of the "Nones": Why Are People Leaving Religion?


Finding Redemption Through J. Cole's "Javari" Lyrics: A Gospel Connection